Mother's Day Playlist (Jill & Erykah)


On Saturday evening, the eve of Mother’s Day, we were graced by neo-soul/R&B royalty. We witnessed a battle, rather a homage of epic proportions as we reminisced and grooved to the queens that are Jill Scott and Erykah Badu. Before I continue, let’s have a moment of silence for the future battles that will occur during this lockdown and beyond that won’t even hold a matchstick to the genius we observed and enjoyed.





Thank you.

now - who else had their Crown Royal on ice prepped and ready to go? (raises hand and looks around the room). As a die hard music fanatic (who has nothing against the popular music of today) there is something to be said about being able to sing along to lyrics without having your tongue hanging out of your mouth. (I promise no shade).

As an ode to Brown Sugar, their catalogue was “the perfect verse over a tight beat.” Listening to hit after hit resulted in the auntie in me swaying in my chair, with my glass in the air and yelling out, “that’s my song!” I literally said that at least 10 times, and each time felt just as good as the last. Furthermore, the love and respect they had for each other was potently evident throughout the 2+ hours they interacted. Even when Ms. Badu’s phone died, Ms. Scott called the devil a liar, by simply cueing up and playing one of Badu’s most memorable ballads. And the joy on both of their faces when she was able to get her technology together was simply... just, everything. Didn’t I tell ya’ll Dont believe the hype? Black women love and support each other on a daily basis, and this night was the beautiful evidence of that bond, of that love.

It was Golden, The Way, we had a Window Seat to Black Girl Magic. I could feel our sisters providing a reminder, saying Didn’t Cha Know that you are Blessed? They warned that Tyrone might be Getting In The Way of us moving On and On. They also let me know that the Love of My Life would be a friend, dependable, and simple –proof the He Loves Me. I was certainly honored to be there and I hope you were too!

P.S. Oh, and for those who just saw this as a battle and want my opinion on who won… the answer is we all did. If you were present, you’d know it’s true!